Lately, I have been hearing about separations on an almost daily basis.
A lot of long- lasting relationships are falling apart. Business as well as amicable connections take different paths.
What’s going on?
It’s Monday evening and I’m sitting in the beautiful painting studio in Mollis. Today’s topic “contrasts” (also dualities). I am painting absorbedly. My thoughts are loud and I have plenty of them.. which happens often, during the creative process. What is adding up to my thoughts, are the other (also not very good) news of physical and health issues, a lot taking place in the environment or acquaintances area.
Is this a coincidence or does this have a connection?
I can’t continue to paint and I want to give my thoughts some space. The attentive Brigitta is handing me a writing pad, writing tools and a delicious ginger tea (my voice also broke up with me, since some days 😂) and I start to write..
Through my profession and my way of being (I am fascinated by and interested in every human being, their way, theirs story, their further development..) I daily have very personal conversations.
And for that I am very grateful, it is always a precious exchange that enriches my profession additionally.
This room that can be created can be very healing…
Anyway, back to the actual topic (typical Nadia to go off on a tangent).
To me, this time of changes, maybe even shift, new times, world…shows that we are listening more to our heart and beginning to live more authentically. Often, it also happens subconsciously, it’s just not possible anymore to look away, to bear…
We consume too much strength, strength of living.
Which we could use differently…
Does this have something to do with our generation?
I automatically think about my parents.
They have left, as many others too, their home country with the dream or aim to return one day and in the meantime invest the hard-earned money in a homestead, in Italy.
This plan hasn’t worked for everyone, which can happen in life.
They had their goal, and for that they also had to forego many things, had to endure a lot, out of fear to lose their job, for example.
For sure, it wasn’t easy to begin to work and live in Switzerland, when one doesn’t understand the language, and the motivation to learn it maybe wasn’t huge.
Originally, it was thought to last a couple of years (now my mother is here since surely 50 years and will stay here with us). They had a big southernly environment. Meaning Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish speakers.
They could communicate without any problems and learn from each other.
Very beautiful and long- lasting friendships were made. People worked together, in their free time they ate together, we always had other children around to play outside. 🥳
Everyone was in the same boat. With the same dream and the same or surely similar everyday struggles.
For that generation a separation would have been nearly impossible. They were dependent from one another. In addition to that came the believe, the promise in front of god… this would be a sin and a shame. What would the family say?
How does this look? What do people think of me? How can a person act so selfishly and allow such a behaviour?
When I got divorced, I felt how this triggered some people.
Even my mother.
I realized quickly from where her reaction came and made clear to her, that her decision was right for her and that this doesn’t have to mean, that I criticize her, just because I personally choose another path. And I am grateful for that to her.
How about the profession?
To be a good worker it means; to never skip a working day, never say no (even if one had the right to do so) and of course working 100%. Of course people want to make money as fast as possible for the definitive trip back home.
But for that, one often didn’t look so good after his/ her health- physically and mentally.
And this had put a spoke in the wheel of many people.
I am very grateful for everything my parents have done, have been and still are. Their life, ways, experiences, pain, dreams and their courage have made me the woman I can be today.
Every decision was exactly right, there were beautiful and also very painful moments, that’s how life can be sometimes.
In deep faith, that EVERYTHING has his accuracy, I can accept what was and is, with ease. Sometimes I see quickly why something had to happen and sometimes it takes me longer 🙈.
But currently we are (maybe even luckily) in the NOW.
Have you ever asked yourself, if you carry patterns or topics/ fears from other generations in you?
Traumas can be inherited.
This is more than normal and meanwhile even genetic research talks about it.
It is called “epigenetic inheritance”.
I couldn’t get around it and could deal with it from an early age on. With every solving, becoming aware, giving back, what is not MINE, I get lighter and freer.
Always clearer and authentically!
This is freedom for me!
No entanglements, old patterns, unhealthy dependences…
Sometimes a topic has showed itself with physical symptoms.
Oh, by the way a great book suggestion:
Mein Körper, Barometer der Seele von Jacques Martel.And to dissolve dependences and entanglements:
Die Strichmännchen-Technik auch von J. Martel.
When you begin to dissolve patterns, your energy changes, this can be shown in different areas of life, your environment can react differently to you etc..
Very interesting ☺️
The more I write, the more I can accept my missing voice… “it’s ok”..
With this “dissolving” of family topics or karma, we don’t just free ourselves, but also the next generation, their backpack will be automatically lighter.
Isn’t that a reason to take a closer look at it?
Of course, we live in a world, in which a lot of unimaginable hideous things happen. Also, these experiences can be eye-openers. A lot of things become relative through this; it can demonstrate personal topics/ fears.
In any case, it moves a lot! Also in the good.
The question is:
What do you do out of this, NOW?
What decision do you take NOW/ How will you choose/ decide NOW?
In what way do you advocate for yourself?
Will you take your personal responsibility?
With ALL consequences?
What are your values?
What do you want to exemplify your generation?
Surely the next generation is going to live more authentically. They are more sensible (not weaker!), more sensitive. This is why they will listen better to their body and their (gut) feeling. They are going to live healthier and more intuitively through this.
With a strong basic trust.
I am filled with hope and confidence!
I am convinced that our children will live more after their heart that they will feel their calling more than us.
This can change a lot in the little but also in the big frame.
And exactly this is the change that a person needs, to live happily and freely.
Wellll, soon the course in the painting studio is over and every time (1 Monday every month since a lot of years) it’s sooo beautiful, what can be created.
Today something brand new, but writing is also a creative form of expression on paper…